Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

James 1:22 NIV


Our church has a long history of generously giving to support the work of the church globally and locally. Part of the mission of Epworth United Methodist Church is to make a difference in the world. As a result, we seek to be engaged in mission efforts that are impacting our community and communities around the globe.

One way we support this work through our financial support of the Indiana Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church. We give 10% of our church offerings to the Indiana Conference. This giving provides us the chance to do together what no one person, or church, could ever do alone. This type of giving provides the opportunity to multiply and share God’s gifts with the World.

We also place an emphasis on second mile giving through Faith Promise Mission giving and special offerings during the year. These offerings go beyond our regular giving and annually provide over $20,000 in additional mission support.

We continue to expand our efforts to invite the community to engage our church through various activities at the church and by hosting multiple organizations from within our community.

We consistently provide opportunities for families, youth and adults to serve and travel to experience mission work first hand. We will also seek to offer volunteer opportunities for people of all ages throughout the year.

We are also focused on poverty and hunger issues in our community and around the globe. To that end we have partnered with several missionaries including: Larry and Jane Kies in Africa, Linda Stranksy in Tennessee and Tom Heaton with Mission Guatemala. We continue to explore ways to be involved with these mission partners in their work.